International network on the sustainability of the circular economy Ref.No.SSTCRC2539


International network on the sustainability of the circular economy Ref.No.SSTCRC2539

1. Introduction

In different parts of the world, economies have decided to move away from linear logic towards circularity. While the idea does indeed respond to a range of contemporary ecological issues, it is not without its challenges at the operationalization stage. Sometimes, the gains made when creating a loop are minor, or even counterproductive, due to the rebound effects observed. The aim of this network, based on the life-cycle analysis community, is to work on the sustainability of circularity deployment. We have identified 4 priority areas of work:

Imagining circular business models (School of Business)

Working with players in the social economy (Economics department)

Systematise circular design in value chains (School of Design)

Metrics of sustainability & Disruption technology (Engineer Faculty)

2. Research Progress

Researchers from the following Universities are in the process of formalizing the network:

National Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico)

Université de Technologie de Compiègne (France)

Université du Québec à Montreal (Canada)

We held 2 workshops in Mexico in 2024 and we will be organizing another meeting in France in July 2025.

3. Cooperation required

We would like to have partnerships with Asia. Researchers and universities who would be interested in working with us to:

Carry out case studies on the sustainability of circularity.

Create training courses between our universities on the sustainability of circularity.

Organize regional academic events to share our experiences.

4. Benefits

The benefits of this work are of the utmost importance, as we are seeking to reconfigure unsustainable economic logics. Our thinking will help to produce sustainable value-creation models.

5. Outputs

Encourage the production of international and national public policy.

Create Circular Business Model.

Linking the expert in Disruption Technology with circular economy expert.

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