Development of model non-platinoid metal/oxide catalysts for low-temperature reduction of carbon dioxide molecules by water with the aim of obtaining of methanol Ref.No.SSTCRC2537


Development of model non-platinoid metal/oxide catalysts for low-temperature reduction of carbon dioxide molecules by water with the aim of obtaining of methanol Ref.No.SSTCRC2537

1. Introduction

One of the actual tasks of modern science, technique and technology is the design of catalysts for synthesis of substances-and materials necessary for industrial production from secondary raw materials. In this view, production of methanol (CH3OH)-as one of the top-ten industrial products from carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) is of particular interest. Currently the-metal/oxide catalysts containing precious metals (Pt, Au, Pd, Ir) are mainly used for this purpose, thus increasing production-cost. To reduce the cost it is necessary to design the new catalysts, which do not contain precious metals (non-platinoid-catalysts). To solve the problem one have to establish the fundamental features of processes of adsorption and interaction of-atoms and molecules on the surfaces of systems of different physical and chemical nature. In this regard, the aim of the-project is to find out the physical and chemical trends and the mechanisms of formation and treatment of model films of-metal oxides as substrates for efficient conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) to methanol (CH3OH). It is-planned to investigate the growth of films of metal oxides (Mo, W, Ti) on the surface of metal substrates, as well as listed-metal oxide nanostructures, and the influence of their growth and treatment on the efficiency of catalytic methanol-synthesis. In order to establish the fundamental trends of the processes of formation of oxides and the methanol synthesis it is-expected to carry out the measurements in ultra-high vacuum to avoid uncontrollable effect of ambient contaminations.-Investigations are to be carried out by a set of complementary Surface Science techniques – electron, ion, infrared and-thermodesorption spectroscopies and nanozoned microscopy. It is expected to find out the effect of oxide stoichiometry,-structure and surface defect nature on the efficiency of methanol synthesis. From the applied standpoint the project aims at-synthesis of methanol as one of the top-ten industrial products, on one hand, and carbon dioxide utilization – on the other.-Scientific novelty of the project is to find out the realation between the properties of the surface of model adsorbate-(catalyst) – the nonprecious metal oxide – and the efficiency of transformation of carbon dioxide and water molecules on its-surface.

2. Research Progress

From the point of view of the “test particle” approach, CO2 is the next most complex molecule after CO, the adsorption patterns of which are sensitive to the surface properties. In this regard, the groundwork for studying CO2 adsorption is the methods and approaches implemented over a number of years by the team for CO. The team has many years of experience in studying the adsorption properties of oxide and metal oxide systems. New methods for producing thin films of aluminum and magnesium oxides have been developed. A method for producing magnesium oxide films with a surface structure corresponding to the polar face of MgO(111) has been proposed and implemented for the first time. It has been shown that this surface structure determines the special interaction of CO and NO molecules on its surface. The processes of adsorption of CO and O2 molecules on the surface of a number of substrates have been studied in sufficient detail – TiO2, Au/TiO2, Au/LiF, Cu, Fe, Ni/Al2O3, Ni/MgO(111). For the first time, it was shown by the isotope exchange method that the metal/oxide interface plays a significant role in the process of CO oxidation on the surface of the Au/TiO2 metal oxide system, and that in the case of a non-stoichiometric TiOx film (x<2), the efficiency of CO conversion to CO2 is significantly higher. The key role of anion vacancies in the process of CO oxidation on the surface of the Au/LiF model system was also demonstrated for the first time. A similar situation is observed for molybdenum oxide, on the surface of which a significant proportion of oxygen vacancies is necessary for the implementation of photosynthesis of CH3OH from CO2 and H2O. The high sensitivity of the emergence of a new molecular reaction channel to minor modification of the adsorbent surface is demonstrated using the example of the reaction of CO2 and O2 on the Mo(110) surface: alloying with a small amount of boron suppresses the process of dissociation of CO molecules, leading to the emergence of a new channel – the conversion of CO into CO2. Original results have also been obtained in the study of photoinduced processes in films of a number of organometallic compounds, indicating the implementation of processes that are not observed under thermal or other influences. It is shown that photoexcitation of electron transitions is a key factor determining the behavior of molecules. It is also decisive in the process of photosynthesis of CH3OH on the surface of MoOx (x<2).

3. Cooperation required

Data collection and data processing in the field of surface physics and chemistry, thin films, particle adsorption and reaction on solid surfaces, heterogeneous catalysis. Both experimental and theoretical surface science studies.

4. Benefits

Catalysts development is a high impact research topic with a great R&D effort devoted worldwide. The development of novel catalysts is a field with strong capability to benefit from co-development and collaboration/knowledge-sharing. It is a wide field, with many applications and approaches found in the literatures. Importantly, a joined co-development of catalysts and synergy among groups around the globe is expected to lead to significant benefits by combining deferent technologies and scientific approaches.

5. Outputs

There would be around 7 academic papers and 3 technical patents to be achieved from this project.

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